West Witton

Information on West Witton, Yorkshire

West Witton is the first village on the A684 heading West to fall within the boundaries of the Yorkshire Dales National Park and is 4 miles West of Leyburn and 15 miles East of Hawes in Wensleydale. The village is famous locally for its  Guy Fawkes-like “Burning of Bartle” ceremony held on the Saturday nearest 24 August (St Bartholomew’s Day), where an effigy of  “Owd Bartle”, a sheep stealer, who suffered a sticky end at the hands of irate villagers in years gone by, is paraded through the village before being burnt at Grassgill End. The village has two pubs – The Wensleydale Heifer which doubles as a boutique hotel and the Fox Hounds which also serves food and offers accommodation.

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